Evo Morales urges Bolivia to withdraw from OAS as more Presidents look to skip Latin American Summit

Originally published: Internationalist 360  on May 16, 2022 by Wyatt Reed (more by Internationalist 360) (Posted May 18, 2022) The Organization of American States (OAS) is looking increasingly marginalized as Bolivia’s former president calls for the country to become the latest to leave and more presidents ponder missing Biden’s Summit Of the Americas Bolivian ex-President Evo Morales suggested Sunday that his country should leave the Organization of American States, the international organization that Morales says “provoked” the 2019 coup d’etat against him. “In the face of U.S.’ exclusion of the countries freed from their hegemony, how…

Sri Lanka : « Place Galle Face, il y a un véritable foisonnement politique »

Originally published on: https://lanticapitaliste.org/actualite/international/sri-lanka-place-galle-face-il-y-un-veritable-foisonnement-politique Entretien. Depuis un mois, des luttes sociales d’ampleur ont lieu au Sri Lanka, île de 23 millions d’habitantEs. Les classes populaires font face à une inflation moyenne de 20 %, qui avoisine les 50 % pour les produits de première nécessité. L’électricité est rationnée et les habitantEs font la queue toute la journée pour trouver de l’essence. La dette de l’État équivaut à son PIB et le nouveau gouvernement négocie avec le FMI un « plan de sauvetage »… de la bourgeoisie, qui ferait payer la facture aux classes populaires. Le…

Who’s middle class?

Originally published: Red Flag  on May 14, 2022 by Diane Fieldes (more by Red Flag)  (Posted May 17, 2022) This article is part of a series on social classes in Australia, which also includes pieces on the working class and the ruling class. Of all classes, the middle class is the one with the most people clamouring to be part of it. Many members of the ruling class prefer the label “middle” to one that makes capitalist dominance so overt. Many workers think that having a middle-income job by default puts them in the middle class. And people who want…